
Established in December 2022, Six Farmers Bangladesh is more than just an agricultural farm. It’s a testament to our dedication to sustainable agriculture and our deep-rooted commitment to the well-being of our community. 

What we do – Six Farmers

Cattle Fattening
Our cattle fattening unit is more than just a space; it’s a sanctuary for our livestock. We prioritize spacious and well-ventilated enclosures, allowing our cattle to move freely and engage in natural behaviors. A carefully curated feeding regimen ensures optimal growth and well-being. Every step we take is a testament to our dedication to ethical and humane farming practices.

Country (Deshi) Chicken Farming
In our Country (Deshi) Chicken farm, precision meets compassion. State-of-the-art facilities, complete with advanced ventilation and temperature control systems, ensure a safe and healthy environment for our birds. Strict biosecurity measures are enforced to maintain a healthy flock. Here, each bird is nurtured to its fullest potential, contributing to the production of fresh, nutritious Country (Deshi) Chicken products. We let our chickens roam around and eat from open areas, which helps them grow naturally.

Cattle Feed Production
The heart of our operation lies in the production of cattle feed. We source high-quality ingredients and employ advanced processing techniques to create a balanced and nutritious formulation. This feed is tailored to meet the specific dietary requirements of different stages of cattle growth. Our commitment to quality extends to every aspect of our operation, including the very sustenance of our livestock.

Vegetable Cultivation
In our vegetable cultivation endeavors, the land itself is our canvas. Here, we embrace organic farming practices, minimizing synthetic inputs and prioritizing soil health. The result? Premium quality, pesticide-free produce. Our select vegetables, including Papaya and Sweet Corn, stand as a testament to the potential of sustainable agriculture.


At Six Farmers Bangladesh, our mission is clear: to revolutionize agriculture through sustainable practices, producing premium quality products, and contributing to the prosperity of our local community. We believe in the power of ethical farming to create a better, more nourished world.


Our operations encompass cattle fattening, Country (Deshi) Chicken farming, cattle feed production, and vegetable cultivation. These efforts are woven together by our commitment to sustainability, focusing on responsible resource management and environmental conservation 

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